There is a report about JAMU
Dezember 2024
Galaxus testet JAMU
Patrick Vogt von macht einen Produkttest mit unserem JAMU Bilderrahmen. Lest selber was seine Meinung zu unserem Produkt ist.
November 2024
Züri Oberländer
Der Anzeiger von Uster bzw. der Züri Oberländer bringt einen grossen Artikel über die Stiftung Züriwerk und wie sie unsere JAMU Bilderrahmen bauen.
Dezember 2024
Das ideale Heim
JAMU wird im «das ideale Heim» auf der Liste der Geschenke die glücklich machen aufgeführt. Ein absolutes Must für Kunstsammler. :-)
april 2024
Schweizer Familie
Schweizer Familie publishes a short report about JAMU in the magazine
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February 2023
Let's Bastel
The well-known blogger, Michael Truppe, recreates the JAMU picture frames on his video blog.
Well worth seeing, funny and entertaining.
April 27, 2022
annabelle - gift idea
10 Really Good Christmas Gifts! And JAMU is there. Every year the same question: what do I give to whom? Annabelle has a few suggestions - which are likely to be well received.
December 06/2022
"Das Einfamilienhaus"
In the Lifestyle section, JAMU was presented as a meaningful and sustainable Christmas present.
november 2022
Manual magazine
JAMU is presented in a report in the manual. A magazine for textile, technical and artistic design.
June 2022
Grosseltern #03/2022
A huge pleasure and of course also absolutely our target group. You reported well about us, dear grandparents magazine.
April 27, 2022
What an honour! We were presented in "RAUM UND WOHNEN" together with other great childrens items.
March 14, 2021
Thanks to the mention in the Sunday newspaper, we even reached our financing goal during crowdfunding a week before the deadline.
And almost as great: we were mentioned in the same breath as Oasis.
March 11, 2021
Indicator of Uster
A large report was dedicated to us in the Uster gazette. That gave our crowdfunding a big boost.
March 12, 2021
local press
The newspaper from our village, the NaG (News from Greifensee), also took notice of us and reported on JAMU.
March 09, 2022
"smart tools"
The JAMUs were presented in several customer magazines in the Smart Tools section on the subject of order. Among other things in the CKW Meine Energie
June 2022
activity report at Züriwerk
The Züriwerk introduces us in their performance report with a short portrait and a few figures.